22 October, 2008


you are looking at our whole tomato harvest this year!

over the weekend we went to our little place in georgia; and this beautiful little tomato was waiting for us. my brother said he didnt pick it because he didn't want to rob us of the joy of gathering our first harvest... lol.

we bought 5 different heirloom tomato plants, buckets, cages and soil. we planted them all in a row... they were all so beautiful.

we dreamed of all the wonderful tomatoes that we would be eating.

and then one day, two naughty little goats noticed that my nephew forgot to latch the gate... they snuck in and ate our tomato plants almost down to the dirt! there were only little tiny stalks left.

but amazingly, all the plants lived! they started growing again... but only one lone tomato appeared...

behold the harvest!

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