fi·ber: A natural or synthetic filament, as of cotton or nylon, capable of being spun into yarn; or Something that provides substance or texture... Essential character... Basic strength or toughness; fortitude ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** de·vi·ant: Differing from a norm or from the accepted standards of a society; or One that differs from a norm, especially a person whose behavior and attitudes differ from accepted social standards *****
Where to Find Fiber Deviant on the Internetz:
03 May, 2012
02 May, 2012
FINISHED: Loomknit & Crochet - Green Lantern Hat
Here is a project that I forgot to post earlier...The Green Lantern hat that I made for my younger son's Christmas gift.
The hat is loomknit (double strands) on the KK Adult Hat Loom (purple); while the Green Lantern applique is free-form crochet. The yarn is Red Heart Super Saver.
01 May, 2012
FINISHED: Crochet - Dr Who Inspired Tardis Hat
Here is a little something I whipped up after a Netflix Dr Who marathon.
I used Vanna's Choice yarn and a J hook. I used post stitches to help create the details of the police box.
Finished: Crochet - Baby Brobee
I used Red Heart Super Saver yarn and an I hook...the body is mostly done in post stitches...and then stuffed with polyfil.
This is a gift for my grandson, Zander, when he comes to visit me this summer! I sure hope he likes it!
The finished Baby Brobee |
My inspiration picture |
25 October, 2011
Finished: Crochet Jack O'Lantern
One of the things I love most about living in South Philly is that so many people decorate for the holidays! I just love looking at everyone's front window displays!
Well... I am no pumpkin carver...so I thought I would crochet a jack o'lantern for our front window.
I used Red Heart SuperSaver yarn from my stash... It's my favorite yarn for crochet 'sculptures'... And a G hook for tight stitches. The piece is stuffed with a bunch (i didnt count) of saved plastic grocery bags.
I started with a basic ball-shape and then added a stem. Next, I crocheted all of the facial components: eyes, eyelids, nose, mouth, teeth & tongue. No patterns... But just basic shapes...
Once all the facial features were completed, I (starting with the nose) began stitching them onto my pumpkin. I decided to stuff each of the eyeballs (they each contain 1 bag)...which really made them puff out.
It wasn't a difficult project... Mostly time-consuming... Since I am a slow crocheter... But i am very pleased with the results.
My husband built a shelf so that I could put decorations in the window AND still let the dogs sit in the window. (That's their favorite spot in the house!). Isn't he sweet? and clever?
Happy Halloween!
30 September, 2011
Finished: Crochet - Bucket Hat Prototype
This is my latest crochet experiment, a bucket-style hat done in mostly post stitches.
It was crocheted with Hobby Lobby's brand "I Love This Yarn!" in Pomegranate Stripe -- with an H hook.
I used acrylic yarn for ease of care... And I have to say that the Hobby Lobby Brand is my favorite acrylic out there: soft & and comes in wonderful self-striping colorways.
This hat was inspired by my admiration for the awesome Xenobia Bailey's ( www.xenba.blogspot.com ) work... I love her Funky Crowns! I didnt want to try to duplicate her designs... But I love the idea of crowns... And wanted to put my own "stamp" on the idea.
I started with a top detail of combining post stitches and regular stitches and then used post stitching for the sides for sturdiness.
This hat was a gift for my friend, Lee Ann... Hope she likes it; and that she has some creative criticisms for me.