21 January, 2008


Here is a pair of socks that I made with the Blue Knifty Knitter!

They are made of Lion Brand Thick & Chunky Wool Ease yarn.

The pair took me about 4 - 5 hours to make - which makes this a definitely do-able weekend project.

I looked at several different patterns and websites and kind of came up with my own twist on these... I will post my "pattern" soon.

<---- here is a close-up of the stitches (sorry about the picture quality--my old sony digital camera gave up the ghost... and so i had to use my camera phone...thankfully, a new camera is on the way!)

<--- another view...

<---- my youngest son, Jordan, trying out his new socks

<--- stretched out on the coffeetable Hey! get those feet off the table!!!!
I know a lot of people who don't accept the Knifty Knitter --- "it's not real knitting!"; but I enjoy using them occasionally--- And have made some very useful items! As long as someone is creating things... I don't knock it!

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